Sarah Lou, Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant.

Sarah Lou - Psychic
Sarah Lou - Psychic
Sarah Lou - Psychic
Sarah Lou - Psychic
Sarah Lou - Psychic
Sarah Lou - Psychic

Sarah Lou's Skills


Mostly associated with the Spiritualist Church, Mediumship is a gift that allows the Reader to experience a connection with someone who is no longer living. They may hear clearly the person talking to them, they may experience images and sensations, smell odours that have no obvious source. These are seen as ways that our loved ones who have passed over attempt to get in touch with us, to confirm that they still exist, that death is not the end of our spiritual journeys.

Often the Medium will be able to confirm details about a person which are known only to those that knew them well, experiences that they shared with only a few select people. In this way, Mediums are able to offer confirmation that they are indeed communicating with the Spirit of someone who has passed over.

A good Medium will pick up a name and/or description of a loved one in Spirit and will seek to pass on whatever information this Spirit provides, in an objective and professional manner, representing the message in as accurate a way as possible. Mediumship in the 21st century is very different from what you might have experienced in a Victorian Sceance. Gone are the bells on the table, the circle of people joining hands, and the cheap circus tricks that have become associated with the time. Now, a Medium will offer evidence in public, directly to an indivdual without the need for tools, and the lights being dimmed. They will work in the light, offering proof of life ever-lasting.

Bear in mind, that communicating through time and space is hard enough, even with today's technology. Even the strongest mobile phone will drop a call from time to time, and background noise is still a common problem. Communicating with Spirits who have passed over is far harder! And it is in no way an exact science. Approaching the Medium with too aggressive and attitude may cause the Medium to close down and be unable to achieve what you wanted them to achieve in the first place. While some will not mind being tested, others will not enjoy the experience of being approached in that way. To get the best from a reading with a Medium, it is important to approach the reading with the following in mind:
  1. The medium will attempt to contact whoever wishes to make themselves known. If it is not the person you were hoping for, this does not mean the reading is not valuable. You may find that someone else comes forward as they have a need to communicate something to you. You may also find that suddenly, even after several minutes, that what was apparently not working suddenly does, and that everyone you hoped would come forward does. It's important therefore to give the reader time and offer proper and accurate confirmation of the information they provide if you feel it will encourage the connection with Spirit within the Medium.

  2. You should not need to actually provide a Medium with information about the person. It is better not to even tell the Medium the name or sex of the person. Rather let them tell you what they are receiving so that they are free to receive whatever comes through.

  3. Even in the event that no single personality reveals themselves the Medium invariably will have clairvoyant information to provide, and it is thought by some that Spirit works through them without bringing forward individual personalities anyway. So take on board the information that is provided and judge how useful it is to you whether it is actually Aunty Joan that provided it or not!

Tarot Reading

Almost everyone has come across the Tarot Cards at some point in their life, whether on the television, at the fairground, or in a shop or market. Derived originally from the playing cards that we all know and love, the Tarot is a fairly recent method of "divination", or 'gaining Insight through extraordinary ability or intuition'.

There are as many theories as to why Tarot Readings prove so accurate a way to look into your situation as there are people who have used them! Everyone seems to view their purpose differently. Some will say that they are just a tool to bring out the natural clairvoyance that is present in the Reader anyway. Others will argue that they are in themselves a divine system that brings forth truth because they are a true reflection of the Divine.

There is no definitive answer to this question, but undoubtedly they work for some people as their popularity will testify. There are many different Tarot Card Decks available and again, they will vary somewhat as to how they depict each card and what each card indicates within the system that the Deck uses. The Tarot Card Reader will be experienced with the particular decks that they use, and will understand clearly as they lay down the cards, the background to your life, the issues at hand and what likely outcomes will be. They are thought to be very good predictors of the future.

This is a very popular and accurate method of looking and discussing your life issues, and Love is often the most frequently requested subject to cover.

To get the best from a reading, be clear on your questions at the start, and if an answer as given applies better to another area of your life that is also very important then it may be that the Reader has brought through information on a different subject. Do not take this as a bad sign, but a good one in that you have been provided with information that maybe very useful in your life. The cards have an uncanny knack of tuning into your situation whether you ask about it specifically or not


Someone who is clairvoyant is gifted at seeing clearly details about your life, with no need to know anything about you prior to the reading.

They ususally see in their mind's eye pictures and images of how your life was in the past, what is happening around you now, and often, what will happen in your future. They can provide details about you, your loved ones, people that matter to you, things that you want and have done, things you feel good and bad about. Some people use the words 'clairvoyant' and 'psychic' to mean the same thing. Others associate 'psychic' with being telepathic. Usually though, if you see the phrase psychic reading, you can assume that the reading given is psychic in nature, ie. relating to the mind.

Many people just like you have clairvoyant readings every day. Having someone who understands what we are going through and can give accurate insight into what is really happening, is invaluable to many people. Sometimes, an objective person can offer much, and when they are an objective clairvoyant, they can offer even more. Often after a clairvoyant or psychic reading, our clients will say how free they feel, having worried for so long and not having been able to talk to anyone about it. They no longer mind about the things that seemed so important and worrying to start with! Perspective is regained.

Often a clairvoyant reader will read for you on the subject of Love. Will he return? Is he telling the truth? Does he love me? . There are also such things as clairsentience and clairaudience which are different to clairvoyance only in that the Psychic Reader will sense and hear things rather than see them. In fact, many people are clairsentient, without even knowing. In the absence of proof in the 'real' world for what they feel, they forget their impressions and feelings that seem to have no obvious origin.


During an Angel reading the reader will try to make spiritual contact with your guardian angel. They will pass on any concerns you may have to your guardian angels and act as a kind of interpreter between you and your angel, passing back to you the answer to your questions. Angels are aspects of the Divine, each with their own area of responsibility and work to guide and help us. Our Angel readers give readings that are more spiritually based and about your life path. Many readers will use Angel card decks, used like Tarot, that show which Angels are around, guiding and helping you, in what ways and in what areas of your life. Some Angel readers will also give guidance and information direct from the Angels to you, in what is often called ‘channelled’ information.


Superstition, myth and romance have been attached to crystals since ancient times. Using crystals is thought to dissolve stress, remove blockages, support new intentions and bring harmony. They can neutralise negative energies, draw energy away from an over-stimulated area, or re-energise a depleted one. The frequency they release is also effective for past life meditation. Many crystals have been used since ancient times.

They are also used to assist with emotional imbalances and help with mental attitudes. Different crystals have different properties and a crystal reader will use them to help you with things like emotional pain, looking for solace or seeking general guidance in the face of difficult decisions. The reader will choose the crystal that is right for you and by touching or casting the crystals they will be offered insights into your problems.

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